See Charles' NPR Tiny Desk entry video featuring Charles and Robbie Link on a new composition 'Land of Canaan'
Charles Pettee, "The stories behind Psalms" performance/discussion at Wild Goose Festival, July 8, 2016
FolkPsalm Trio to play opening music for 2015 Wild Goose Festival, July 9, 2015
Read the Wild Goose Festival press release.
Letter from the Music Minister, First United Methodist Church, Brevard, NC
"Hi Charles,
Thank you for a wonderful concert of FolkPsalm yesterday in Brevard. By all accounts it was a great success for FUMC and a wonderful gift to the community. I hope the group felt the same way. I thought the program was thoughtfully conceived and well paced. I especially appreciated your teaching on the book of Psalms. I was glad you included some audience singing through the program. You clearly had some fans in the audience who were familiar with the tunes. Special thanks also to Brittany for her savvy assistance in the lead up to the concert. Please pass on our thanks to everyone in the group for coming to Brevard. Keep up the good work, it's a wonderful ministry of music. May God continue to be glorified through your gifts and FolkPsalm.
T. S."
Watch a live selection from Charles Pettee & FolkPsalm's concert back in December, 2014: Psalm 37 "The Desires of Your Heart."
We've got 'em! FolkPsalm album #4, "A Dove on Distant Oaks: Psalms for the Journey" is available in CD or digital formats
Read more about the CD
It's about time! The recording that started the whole thing, "Steady Love", is now back in print and on-line!
Click here to purchase.
View this 10 minute documentary about FolkPsalm at Faith and"